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Accounts need permission tokens for various actions on a blockchain, e.g. to mint or burn assets.

There is a difference between a public and a private blockchain in terms of permissions granted to users. In a public blockchain, most accounts have the same set of permissions. In a private blockchain, most accounts are assumed not to be able to do anything outside of their own account or domain unless explicitly granted said permission.

Having a permission to do something means having a PermissionToken to do so. There are two ways for users to receive permission tokens: they can be granted directly or as a part of a Role (a set of permission tokens). Permissions are granted via Grant special instruction. Permission tokens and roles do not expire, they can only be removed using Revoke instruction.

Permission Tokens

Permission token definitions have parameters. When a new permission token is registered, the names of the parameters and their types are checked against their names and types in the token definition. The token registration fails if there are too few parameters, if the parameter types don't match the definition, or parameters with unrecognised names.

Here are some examples of parameters used for various permission tokens:

  • A token that grants permission to change the values associated to keys in a Store asset needs the asset_definition_id parameter of type Id:

      "params": {
         "asset_definition_id": "Id"
  • By contrast, the permission token that grants the permission to set keys to values in user metadata needs the account_id parameter of type Id:

    "params": {
      "account_id": "Id"
  • The permission token that grants the permission to transfer assets only a fixed number of times per some time period, needs these two parameters:

    "params": {
      "count": "U32",
      "period": "U128"

    Where the period is specified as a standard Duration since the UNIX epoch in milliseconds (more details about time in Rust).

Pre-configured Permission Tokens

You can find the list of pre-configured permission tokens in the Reference chapter.

Permission Groups (Roles)

A set of permissions is called a role. Similarly to permission tokens, roles can be granted using the Grant instruction and revoked using the Revoke instruction.

Before granting a role to an account, the role should be registered first.

Register a new role

Let's register a new role that, when granted, will allow another account access to the metadata in Mouse's account:

let role_id = RoleId::from_str("ACCESS_TO_MOUSE_METADATA")?;
let role = iroha_data_model::role::Role::new(role_id)
let register_role = RegisterBox::new(role);

Grant a role

After the role is registered, Mouse can grant it to Alice:

let grant_role = GrantBox::new(role_id, alice_id);
let grant_role_tx =
    Transaction::new(mouse_id, vec![grant_role.into()].into(), 100_000)

Permission Validators

Permissions exist so that only those accounts that have a required permission token to perform a certain action could do so.

The Judge trait is used to check permissions. The Judge decides whether a certain operation (instruction, query, or expression) could be performed based on the verdicts of multiple validators.

Each validator returns one of the following verdicts: Deny (with the exact reason to deny an operation), Skip (if an operation is not supported or has no meaning in a given context), or Allow.

There are several implementations of the Judge trait in Iroha 2, such as:

AtLeastOneAllowThe judge that succeeds only if there is at least one Allow verdict. The execution is stopped once there is a first Allow verdict.
NoDeniesThe judge that succeeds only if there is no Deny verdict. All validators are checked.
NoDeniesAndAtLeastOneAllowThe judge that succeeds only if there is no Deny verdict and at least one Allow verdict. The execution is stopped once there is a Deny verdict or all validators were checked.
AllowAllFor tests and simple cases. All operations are allowed to be executed for all possible values.
DenyAllFor tests and simple cases. All operations are disallowed to be executed for all possible for all possible values.

You can also build a custom permission validator by combining multiple validators, all of which should be of the same type (for checking instructions, queries, or expressions).

Runtime Validators

Currently Iroha 2 has only built-in validators. In the future, built-in validators will be completely replaced with runtime validators that use WASM.

The chain of runtime validators is used to validate operations that require permissions. It works similarly to the Chain of responsibility.

All runtime validators return validation verdict. By default, all operations are considered valid unless proven otherwise. Validators check whether or not an operation is not allowed: each validator either allows an operation and passes it to the following validator, or denies the operation. The validation stops at the first Deny verdict.

Supported Queries

Permission tokens and roles can be queried.

Queries for roles:

Queries for permission tokens: